A Travellerspoint blog

KOA just outside Glacier National Park

Arrived at Glacier NP around 3. Drove to see potential campgrounds. None have electricity or showers. Around 8 campgrounds in total. 3 are remote hike in's with 8 miles or more hike each way!.

All are super busy now due to 100 year National Park's anniversary and summer.

All of them fill Each day by 9 am. Some people come super early to wait in line. So we had to set alarm for 6 am and drive 1 hr into park roads to get into Avalanche Creek Campground which seemed nicest location and only $10 w/discount.

St Mary1

St Mary1

St Mary2

St Mary2

St Mary3

St Mary3

St Mary4

St Mary4

St Mary 5

St Mary 5

Posted by Vanabout 17:00 Archived in USA

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