St Augustine, FL (Oldest city in US)
Forts (Castillo de Marco; and Fort Matanzas)
29.07.2017 - 02.08.2017
91 °F
Denzil & Brenda Eastern US Travels
on Vanabout's travel map.
We have family in St. Augustine, FL area. Also Brittany was having her son's 1st bday party Very lucky our visit there coincided w/the party. While there also we visited a few sites with Ann, & family. We visited:
Castillo de Marco Fort;
Fort Matanzas;
Mission de Nombre;
Villano Beach,
Washington Oaks Gardens State Park, & camped in Anastasia State Park. Very busy few days! Fun times.
Castillo de Marco Fort:
Fort Matanzas Nat. Monument:
Have to get there via ferry
- Cool Trees!