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VT Food Tours (Maple Syrup Farm & Cabot cheese)

View Denzil & Brenda Eastern US Travels on Vanabout's travel map.

Seems best things to do in Vermont involve food! So we toured the factories of Cabot Cheddar cheese and Goodrich Maple Farm. Got a short tour, saw the sap evaporator where they boil down sap to make maple syrup each Spring. it takes a ridiculous amount of syrup to boil down into 1 gallon. It was so yummy we bought a whole gallon of maple syrup! in a RV. Why not, it's hard to come by!.
Next on to Cabot Cheese factory. Did tour, tasted lots of cheddar samples, and bought cheese, yogurt, and fresh butter to take with.

Vermont Maple Syrup machine



Our campsite view


Posted by Vanabout 09:00 Archived in USA

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